Senior Research Scientist in Computer Science at Inria
in the TADaaM project-team (team-leader since 2024)
at the LaBRI in Bordeaux (France)
working on operating system support for high-performance computing.
Research Scientist in Computer Science at Inria
in the Runtime and TADaaM project-teams
at the LaBRI in Bordeaux (France).
Post-doctoral position in Computer Science
in the Oak Ridge office (Tennessee, USA)
of Myricom (Arcadia, California, USA),
working on high-performance communications with Myricom networks.
Ph.D Thesis in Computer Science
Distributed Storage in Clusters
RESO Team,
Laboratoire d'Informatique et du Parallélisme (LIP),
ENSL, France.
Feb.-July 2002:
5-month trainingship in a Computer Science Laboratory
Distributed File System: Study of a client-server protocol for a hierarchied system
ReMap Team, LIP, ENSL, France.
June-August 2001:
10-week internship in a Computer Science Company
High Bandwidth Data Transfer with OPIOM and Myrinet: Application to Remote Video
(bypassing the operating system to provide high bandwidth reading from SCSI disks, sending on Myrinet and video)
Myricom Arcadia, California, USA.
May-June 2000:
6-week training period in a Computer Science research Laboratory
Calculus with fixed length expansions
(computer arithmetics to represent numbers by a sum of float point numbers)
Arénaire Team,
LIP, ENSL, France.
June-July 1999:
8-week training period in an Astrophysics research Laboratory
Stellar cinematics in spiral galaxies
(determination of type of stars in some galaxies by observing their rotating velocity),
Centre de Recherches Astronomiques de Lyon (CRAL),
St-Genis-Laval, France.